Dr. Paul Fairie is a Senior Research Associate on the Person-Centred Care Team in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary and the Associate Director of the Alberta SPOR (Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research) SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU). He conducts research to understand the patient experience, and provides guidance to the AbSPORU Patient Engagement Team.
Sadia Ahmed is a Research Associate with the AbSPORU Patient Engagement Team. As part of her role, she carries out patient-oriented research projects, oversees and supports student projects, and supports researchers and patient-partners to work together in health research teams. She has experience with qualitative research methods, evaluation of patient engagement, patient-reported experience and outcomes measures (PREMs, PROMs) research, and co-facilitating digital storytelling workshops.
What will be covered?
This workshop will introduce attendees to the practice of patient and public engagement in patient-oriented health research. We will review core concepts and strategies of partnering with patients and community members, and lead an activity where attendees can reflect on ways to incorporate these practices into their own projects.